Earthquakes during the pole shift occur when plates are on the move, the jolts felt when the plate
moves, and shortly thereafter when the surrounding plates adjust to the new tension. Aftershocks are such adjustments, and are always minuscule compared to the major plate movement. During the pole shift
all plates on earth on the move, and the jolt occurs at the sudden stop when the crust stops moving.
This is when the Richter 9 equivalent earthquakes, which we have termed Richter 15 as the scope is far larger than Richter 9, will be felt worldwide.
The earthquakes following the pole shift will be no more wrenching than earthquakes due to plates adjustments under normal circumstances. The moving plates, suddenly slamming into each other as they start to slow down, will create a domino effect not unlike a multiple car crash. One plate slams into another as the first plates slows down, creating a domino effect that rapidly ricochets around the world, within minutes. There is no delay in this motion, as each plate is solid and what affect one edge affects the far edge, when the entire plate is in motion. Thus, the earthquakes come all at once, and rapidly settle down to an adjustment phase, within minutes.
Due to the immensity of the adjustment, with many plates in barely tenable positions, there will be
many aftershocks, most occurring within the first few weeks. These will range from Richter 8 on down, but in no case will be as great as the initial shock during the pole shift. They will rapidly diminish, reduced to annoying tremors after a few weeks.
The key to the Earth wobble many are now beginning to
Notice, and the odd cold spot that lingers over
Hudson Bay and in the waters off
Nova Scotia, lies in the shape of the Atlantic Rift. We have stated that Planet X is skewed at least 45° along the Sun's magnetic flow lines, pointing its S. Pole away from the S. Pole of the Sun as it rounds this pole, thus putting a tug on the Earth's N. Pole which is attracted and tempted to align with Planet X in an end-to-end arrangement. The tilt of the Earth's N. Pole, leaning somewhat to the right to the side of the Sun Planet X is rounding, has created a false season simulating Summer in the northern hemisphere, were it not for the
Constellations being out of place, an almost perfect mask for the approaching monster about to upset life on Earth as its current inhabitants know it. For those with keen eyes and clear eyes, for at least half the world from
Japan to Ontario, an Earth wobble has become a reality.
The Atlantic Rift is skewed to the West in the northern hemisphere, and then to the East in the southern hemisphere, following the deepest cleft between the continents as they rip apart during what is commonly called the Continental Drift. As we have stated, this
Atlantic Rift is itself a magnet as the tearing occurred during prior pole shifts and cooling magma was quickly aligned with the reforming poles, and thus becomes a third magnet encouraged to align with the Earth's core and Planet X during their encounters. At the point where the Atlantic Rift either faces or is in opposition to Planet X, this tugging to align occurs, creating the
Global Quakes noted on live seismographs only during this past year, for the Earth, when Planet X has been in the vicinity. Why has an Earth wobble developed?

- When the Atlantic Rift is facing Planet X, high noon over the Atlantic, the tilt and lean of the Earth are tending to align side-by-side with Planet X where it rides on the Sun's magnetic flow lines, rather than the Sun, as the combined pull on the Earth core and the Atlantic Rift is a strong magnetic resonance. Due to the 'S' shape of the rift, leading with its southern edge more toward the East, this tug on the rift tends not only to tilt the Earth's N. Pole toward the Sun but also lean the N. Pole toward Planet X, as Planet X is approaching from the South, below the Ecliptic, from the right, and it grabs at the southern portion first, as nearer at hand. This gives Europe to Ontario a sunrise with a northern tilt, the increasing motion North of the Sun after the Solstice that has been noted.
- As this southern portion of the Atlantic Rift disappears around to the side of the Earth at dusk, this grip is relaxed and the Earth tends to align side-by-side with the Sun, moving its N. Pole back away from Planet X slightly. This gives the Western Half of the United States a sunrise location more in keeping with what is expected shortly after the Solstice, the Sun seeming to move South. This also moves the Hudson Bay and waters off Nova Scotia away from direct sunlight, thus the odd cold these regions are experiencing during their Summer. This wobble of the N. Pole away from the Sun and Planet X is most accentuated at this point, because the southern Atlantic Rift disappears and is entirely shielded from the direct grip of Planet X, being blocked by the Earth.
- As the southern portion of the Atlantic Rift approaches the dark side of the Earth, where it is again in line with the Earth's core and Planet X as magnets, creating magnetic resonance, the tug to align with Planet X again becomes strong, giving Japan the view of a sunrise moving North after the Solstice. But as the southern portion of the Atlantic Rift swings round to approach its dawn position, it is now more accessible to Planet X than at dusk. Approaching from the South, Planet X can directly grip this southern tip of the Atlantic Rift, so any wobble to align with the Sun is slight, tipping the Earth's N. Pole away from the Sun, is slight. Thus Siberia does not find itself with the lack of sunlight the Hudson Bay region does during its daylight hours.
- We mentioned, in the Whiplash ZetaTalk, that ricochet effects and twirling are possible. Twirling? What does that mean? Why is the cold spot to the west of Hudson Bay the coldest spot on Earth? That’s not the N Pole. What point is pointing away from the Sun most of the day? Are we going to develop a wobble? Are we going to suddenly lurch about so that the Sun is rising and setting in a place way off from where the public would expect? This is in your future, folks, but we will not give you the date